
What's the instance score?

To keep track of the quality and reliability of your ServiceNow instance, you need a metric that can determine how healthy the instance is, which is why CODA presents the instance score. The issue ratio in the instance and the impact level, which is the weighted average of the severity of those issues, are two important factors that go into calculating the instance score. By combining these factors, the instance score provides a holistic measure of the overall impact of issues on the instance.

CODA score component displaying a score of 87
CODA score component.

How is the score calculated?

To calculate the score, CODA follows the steps below:

  1. Identifying issues: The instance is scanned, and all issues detected are categorized into three levels of severity: low, medium, and high.
  2. Generating impact level: Once all issues have their severity assigned, the weighted average is calculated to generate the impact level. Critical issues, for example, have a higher severity weight than minor issues.
  3. Determining issue ratio: The next step involves calculating the issue ratio, which is the proportion of identified issues to the total number of records scanned. This ratio provides insights into the maturity of the development in the instance.
  4. Calculating the score: Once the impact level and the issue ratio are identified, they are combined through a method that results in the instance overall score.

Score results

The final score can be one of the following three:

0-40: Poor (red)
41-80: Medium (yellow)
80+: Excellent (green)

The instance score serves as an essential indicator for various stakeholders involved in the instance administration. Using this metric, development teams and architects can efficiently prioritize and address issues, track progress over time, and clearly communicate instance quality.