Why is this an issue?
A Workflow Context is a workflow that is executing in the Workflow Engine.
Once started, a Workflow Context will “run to wait.” That is, the Workflow Engine examines all the Activities currently executing. If an Activity is finished, the Workflow Engine evaluates an Activity’s conditions. For all true conditions, the engine looks to the end of the transition arrow for what to do next.
If a Workflow Context has been in the "Running" state for more than a month, it may mean that it is locked or pending some outside Event (Approval, Task Complete, Probe Complete etc.).
While active, it consumes resources of the instance, which can slow it down and cause problems in platform navigability.
Best practices
Review this workflow and check if it should be running or if there is an user action to proceed. This allows improving performance on the system as well as looking through any workflows that are not completing correctly.
If these workflows are no longer required, consider cancelling them to free up system resources.